Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Completes its 5th Anniversary.
I mourn a minute U may do
the same and this
WORLD with terror will continue to bring such
Dates wat ul do or wat we can do.
Just read this message and let the world move.

Educate the World and there is one rascal less in this WORLD

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Neither I have anything to create issues nor an question
to know its God ALLA or DURGA..
NOr even any logic to sing or rebel for..
Wat is it?
Today (7/6/2006) it’s a centenary yEar of the song
And i love it as vin'S and not as a HINDU nor MUSLIM...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

yo! MY pedagoguE

sTUDENT always have excuses. So do I...
Excuse mE.....

Every morning I buckle up and move to class n therecomes my PEDAGOGUE,
Who sets boundaries 4 me who inspires me to climb to the peak, shares the knowledgE, experienc E in the form of worDS,gestures, silence.
And makes me to taste the worLD, directs the way to my journey. Frames worthY perception which i can adopt, makes me to afford his knowledge, Stands responsible for MY outcomes.
And gives me the life'S best moments.
vin'S honoured to b a student of everyone who been a example in various facet of my life n I want the same to be continued.....

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